We’re committed to environmental sustainability. Here are some of the initiatives we have implemented since taking over the property in September, 2009. You can help us by doing your part while you’re here at Balingup Heights. Go on . . . it’s not that hard. Let’s all work together for a cleaner, greener, brighter future.
- Wildlife Land Trust – Balingup Heights has joined a network of national and international sanctuaries on private lands, dedicated to wildlife and habitat
- protection.
- Water source – Balingup Heights is self-sufficient sourcing all of its water through rain water collection and a natural spring located on the property.
- Rain water catchment – whilst it is not economically viable to catch water off each individual cottage, due to the spread of the cottages over 25 acres and the small roof area, we have installed rain water catchment at the Farmhouse. This rain water is collected and then pumped into the main water storage tank.
- Grey Water – recycling unit installed at the farmhouse, providing water for the Farmhouse garden.
- Use water wisely notes – Balingup Heights sources drinking water from an onsite spring. Reduced rainfall over a number of years has placed pressure on this renewable water source. As a result, each cottage has a ‘Please use water wisely’ note in both the kitchen and bathroom, encouraging guests to be mindful of their water usage.
- Please recycle notes – all cottages have signage encouraging guests to recycle.
- Recycling bins – Recycling bins for paper products, glass, plastic, aluminium and tin at each cottage.
- LED globes – progressively replacing incandescent light globes with energy saving LED light globes in the Cottages and the farmhouse.
- Refuse/disposal – all waste generated at Balingup Heights is separate into general waste, glass, plastic, aluminium, tin, cardboard and paper products before taking it to the local refuse site where the waste is deposited in to the appropriate recycling containers.
- Hilltop forest preservation – Balingup Heights has a 25acre hilltop forest consisting of both Marri and Jarrah trees. This regrowth forest was re-planted in the mid 1970’s. No wood is harvested from this forest. All wood for the fires in the cottages is sourced from a local, registered supplier.
- Nature Play – the Balingup Heights Secret Garden aims to re-educate guests/families about the value of the natural environment as a place to play, learn, engage, and develop resilience and creativity.
- Wood fires – instructions on how to use the wood fires efficiently have been placed in each cottage, helping to reduce the amount of wood burned. Wood is sources from an approved, local and registered supplier.
- Shop Local/Buy Local – resulting in reduced carbon emissions & reduce food miles.
- Recycling printer cartridges – office printer cartridges are recycled through a local print cartridge supplier.
- Enyo cleaning mop – cleaning is undertaken using an Enyo cleaning mop, thereby reducing the amount of chemicals used.
- General cleaning – where possible, natural cleaning products are used including vinegar for the bathroom and toilets.
- Native Animal Protection – Balingup Heights has a no dog policy ensuring that the native animals; kangaroos, emus and an assortment of birds and frogs are protected.
- Paperless Office – a continuous move towards a paperless office through initiatives on line communication with guests such as your confirmation letter.
Invoices and statements are sent and received electronically where possible. We now rely less on the distribution of brochures, instead using Social Media and Google Adwords to promote the business. - Smoking – no smoking is allowed in the cottages and sand boxes are placed on the deck for disposal of butts.
- Weed control – ceased use of glysophates (Roundup), sourcing an environmentally friendly product, ‘LocalSafe Weed Control’, as a replacement.
- Cleaning products – utilise Enyo mop and cloths, reducing the amount of chemicals used. Natural cleaning products are used – vinegar.
- Pest control – we choose not to conduct an annual spray for pests. You know . . .spiders, bugs and other insects! These pesticides are hazardous as they can poison the land, the water and the air. We’d rather risk seeing the odd spider in a Cottage than risk poisoning you, your family and the many native animals, large and small, who play a role in the natural ecosystem of our little slice of heaven. If you do find a spider in the Cottage we’d be happy to assist in removing it!
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